b'|SPINNER / SPOON & TROUT AREA| LURE SINGLESPINNER / SPOON & TROUT AREA 7231 TROUT AREA / MICROSPOON SHARPNESS STRENGTHCORROSIONNeedle Sharp Vanadium Steel Forged Technical Locking Curve PTFENTMicro-Barb| Dedicated to Microspoon lures | Needle Sharp Super Long Point | Also available in barbless version (7231B) 8 6 4Actual Size 7231B TROUT AREA / MICROSPOON BARBLESS SHARPNESS STRENGTHCORROSIONNeedle Sharp Vanadium Steel Forged BarblessPTFENTTechnical Locking Curve| Barbless version of 7231 Microspoon | Dedicated to Microspoon lures | Needle Sharp Super Long Point 8 6 4Actual Size36'