b'FLY 7074 SPECIAL NYMPH SHARPNESS STRENGTHCORROSIONNeedle Cone Vanadium Steel Forged Micro-BarbBRONZEBZGOLDGOReversed (Offset) Turned-Down Eye Curved Shank Fine Wire | A light hook with a round-bend shape| Perfect for nymphs, especially gammarus| Ideal for river and lake salmon species Actual sizePcs.Pkg.Size16 14 12 10Bag 20 BZ // 0020 // Bag BZ ReferenceBronzeBlister 100 BZ // 0100 // BlisterReferenceBag 20 GO // 0020 // BagReferenceVMC GO BlisterGold 100 GO // 0100 // BlisterReferenceBox 1000 GO // 1000 // BoxReference 7075 SPECIAL FLY SHARPNESS STRENGTHCORROSIONNeedle Cone Vanadium Steel Turned-Down Eye Curved ShankGOLDGO | A light hook with a round-bend shape| Best selling model for tying nymphs, gammarus and salmonid lake flies| Ideal for river and lake salmon species Actual sizePcs.Pkg.Size18 16 14 12 GO BagGold 20 GO // 0020 // BagReference113'